About us

About us

Agricultural High school "Stevan Petrovic Brile" is agricultural and food production high school with over fifty years long experience. It is settled in Ruma, fifty kilometres away from Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia.

We educate students for veterinary and agricultural technicians (4 years of schooling) and bakers and butchers (three years of schooling). There are about 250 students at school at the moment. Lessons are held in well equipped cabinets and practice is held at school economy and in our own mini bakery.

Within the school economy there are 100 hectares of arable land, agricultural machinery, orchard and vineyard, as well as the farm with many different kinds of animals and mini ZOO. Since 2017 we posses modernly equipped veterinary and livestock breeding cabinet with contemporary cattle breeding and nursery room, modern place for mixing livestock food and veterinary's pharmacy.

Our students are organized into student's cooperative and they produce agricultural products and pastry which they sell, in order to earn money for their professional trips and excursions.

We have very good cooperation with business entities, institutes, faculties and other organizations in order to give our students the best possible training, to enable them for future job.

At school there are 50 employees at the moment, of whom 32 are teachers, dealing with educational work.

We try to give our students the best , contemporary schooling, both theoretical lessons and practice. Our teachers are constantly being educated, at seminars and courses.

Our goal is to connect with other schools abroad in order to exchange experiences and improve the knowledge of our teachers, as well as of our students.




Let us mention just some of the projects we participated in.

One of them is Contribution of agriculture to the clean environment and healthy food (AGRI-CONTO- CLEEN). It took place from 2013 till 2015. It is a transboundary project between Serbia (Agricultural high school "Stevan Petrovic Brile", Ruma) and Croatia (Agricultural faculty, Osijek). Partners on this project were Croatian Food Agency, Agricultural Faculty from Novi Sad, Regional Development Agency Srem from Ruma. The project was part of IPA II transboundary cooperation Croatia-Serbia. The main goal was to increase contribution of agriculture to the environment and production of quality food and agricultural products, as well as increasing awareness of public on contribution of agriculture to the clean environment and healthy food.

The next significant project we participated in was Cross-sectoral search of ways of preventing the early school drop out (CroCoos). This project was released from May 2014 until April 2017. It was carried out through the Project of lifelong learning of European Commission. It's purpose was to give support to inovative solutions of prevention and decrease of school dropping out.The project goes under the title " The Implementation of European Strategic Goals in Education and Courses" (EACEA/04/13).

CroCoos is international project dealing with prevention of student's drop off, developing the system of early detection of students at risk of leaving school. The project took place in five european countries. It was planned to apply the developed method (EWS- early warning system) experimentally in Slovenia , Hungary and Serbia. Bearer of project in Serbia is an expert organization Educational Forum(www.eduforumsezampro.rs). Focus of the project was on high schools.

Project HORIS-Cavalry Route of Srem is financed within   transboundary programme project Interreg IPA Croatia-Serbia (2014-2020) and carried out by Nijemci municipality(Croatia), Ruma municipality( Serbia), Horse breeding association"Vranac", Agricultural high school "Stevan Petrovic Brile"- Ruma, Equestrian club Srem- Sremska Mitrovica.The aim of the project is to contribute to the development of conjoined touristic offer and better management of regional cultural heritage.But overall goal is to implement hypotherapy, as the healing method for people with functional limitations and sensory disfunction. The project started on September,1st. 2017 and is expected to finish on August 31st.2019.



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